Auckland Climate Festival Logo
Our kaupapa
Our vision: for unified and impactful climate action in Taamaki Makaurau. Mission: our mission is to accelerate ambitious, inclusive, equitable and regenerative climate action. Our goal: our goal is to secure a climate safe and just future for all Aucklanders. In particular, we want to ensure that Auckland upholds our commitment to 1.5 degrees and that we do not cross that threshold, ever.
What we do
  • Drive coordinated action: we bring together large communities and networks to drive coordinated, just and accelerated change.
  • Support diverse and inclusive climate action: we work with partners to help Aucklanders make sense of what is going on, be inspired, be part of reimagining the future and live the change now.
  • Drive bolder and more ambitious change: we challenge the status quo and work with organisations and individuals to make bolder commitments, push new frontiers, enhance citizen engagement and build accountability.
How we do it
  • Host an annual whole-of-society festival: each year we bring the city together for accelerated climate action that leverages synergies that come with collective action – at scale. We invite others to co-curate the programme with us and combine local and global perspectives
  • Connect, cross-pollinate and build: we join up and partner with organisations and individuals to unlock the power of collective action and the cross-pollination of ideas. We connect people to climate action at different levels including individual, community and systems.
  • Foster inclusion: we amplify the voices of those often underrepresented in climate action and identify and partner with others to address barriers to involvement. We hold space for people, no matter where they’re at.
  • Tell stories, celebrate and create experiences: we inspire change and hope through sharing stories of positive action, bold leadership and what we can achieve together. We use language as a portal into understanding and narrative and storytelling to shift behaviours.
  • Track change over time: we evaluate the changing landscape each year.
Who it's for
ACF is a whole-of-society response to climate change. This means ACF is for everyone in Auckland and there are a broad range of stakeholders and sectors that need to be involved. This includes:
  • Those championing climate action. The festival creates a space for those pushing for change.
  • Those who are often underrepresented in climate action but who are most affected by the impacts of climate change.
  • All sectors, and in particular the highest emitting sectors that can generate the biggest change.
© Auckland Climate Festival 2023 ·
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